Contact Me
Thanks for your interest in getting in touch with me! I generally love hearing from people who’ve come across this website, read below for the best way to reach out.
Email me at njk[at] or njk[at] if:
- you have questions/comments/concerns about my research or academic work.
- you’d like to collaborate on a research project.
- you’d like to recruit me for some technical opportunity you think I’d be a good fit for.
- you’re a student looking for advice/help that you think I’m well-equipped to provide. I love helping people with similar interests/backgrounds in any way I can — I benefitted significantly from advice and mentorship, and paying this forward is very important to me.
Email me at nishanth.kumar20[at] if:
- you have questions or comments about any of my fiction writing.
- you met me somewhere/saw me give a talk (unrelated to research) and want to follow-up.
- you’re interested in chatting with me for some other professional reason.
- you have good sci-fi/fantasy novel/short story recommendations or funny memes you’d like to share with me :).